Sunday, 23 Feb 2025

Samsung Galaxy S3 Android 4.1.1 Review

Android 4.1.1 review

With the new Android Jelly Bean being launched, everyone with an Android smartphone is going about upgrading his or her phones in order to get the benefits of the newest version of Android. I happened to upgrade my Samsung Galaxy S3 from Ice Cream Sandwich to Jelly Bean and felt obliged to post an Android 4.1.1 review for the benefit of other aspiring Android users. The difference of performances was awesome. The following are the new features that Jelly Bean has added to the Ice Cream Sandwich.

The Screen Lock

The screen lock is the first thing that you will see and we begin there. While Ice Cream Sandwich supported only four application shortcuts on this lock screen, that included Chat On, phone, camera and web browser, the Jelly Bean update lets you add yet another shortcut, which is meant for Google Now.

Google Now

With Google Now being integrated into the lock screen of your smartphone, you are bound to fall in love with the new Android 4.1.1 review. This will serve you with a hub of all the information that is most relevant to you, ranging from weather conditions, traffic, train schedules, live scores of games, and much more.

Resize Pop-up Play

The Pop Up Play was first introduced in Samsung Galaxy S3. The resizing feature of this Pop Up Play was integrated only in Galaxy Note II previously. The upgrade of Ice Cream Sandwich to Jelly Bean has made it possible toresize it in Galaxy S3 as well.

Live Preview of Notifications Centre

Android 4.1.1 review also features a new and very interesting notifications centre. This new notifications centre is equipped to give you live updates of incoming mails, text and multimedia messages, screenshots and much more.

Two Home Screen Modes

With the new Android 4.1.1 review for Galaxy S4, you can now choose between two different modes for your home screen, which are, the basic mode and the easy mode. The easy mode is for beginners who are not yet familiar with Android. The basic mode, on the other hand, is the same home screen that you were used to.

Pause and Resume Video Recording

Now you can upgrade your Android to have it sport a pause and resume feature for video recordings. This has made video recording very easy with Android 4.1.1 Jelly Bean.

Blocking Notifications

Using this feature, you can effectively choose to block notifications on your phone. This feature also lets you choose what notifications you want to be allowed and which are the one you want.

Longer Battery Life than Android Ice Cream Sandwich

One of the major headaches that smartphone users have is the duration of their battery life, especially owing to the colossal screen of the smartphones. This is a concern that has been taken good care of by Android Jelly Bean New Features. A test done at home on the battery life of the upgraded Samsung Galaxy S3 showed that web browsing done with the phone makes it last around more than an amazing 6 hours.