Sunday, 23 Feb 2025

The perfect ways to inspire your users for a review

Strike the iron at the right time! Get the reviews from your customers always at the right time. If you don’t have a happy customer, you don’t get good reviews. The user-generated reviews give the brand a great reputation. To get more reviews, the only way out is to ask for it and get an awesome helpdesk that gets you some great reviews. Many companies harness their user reviews to strengthen their products and services.

Typically, most of the companies collect the email id and phone numbers of the customers, online and offline, during the purchase and ask for a review as soon as they receive them. If you give them some time to use the product and then follow up the review, they may be happy to provide you a useful review. You have to time the review requests perfectly to get a good review you can use later for social media and digital marketing. The review websites have perfected the art and science to collect reviews and hence, succeed in getting the best reviews of your products at the perfect time.

The trickiest question to answer is how to get reviews from your customer? It is like taking honey out of the comb! Mobile Apps, Websites, Email requests and telephone requests are different ways to get user reviews. In mobile applications, the product page might pop out some questions to the user to get the reviews. This works out more than often if the template is simple to use. Making your review system more complex will only help you lose your customer. No customer will like to waste their time on complex review mechanism.

It is always important to retain your current responsive customers who can help you gain some potential users. They are the ones who build your brand reputation when you run behind customers who don’t even give you a review. Offer your customer some gifts or introduce promotional campaigns when they suggest you to some other buyers. Most of the companies lure their customers with gifts, coupons etc to get your product reviews and recommendations. This is a great way to get your customer to advocate your products among their friends and acquaintances. These campaigns tend to be more productive than the creative marketing campaigns where you hire someone to talk about your product! Hosting a poll, contest etc can also get you some reviews. Ask questions that are easy to answer with a yes or no that makes the system easier to understand for the customer. Keep your customer engaged in the process, wherein the input will be quick. Some reviews may also have long conversations tagged along. Make sure you closely observe what actually comes in the review comments. Get customer reviews answered and appreciate the customer for their valuable feedbacks. Quick responses to customer feedback can actually gain a better reputation and more new customers.

The first impression is the best impression. Make customized designs for your web page to collect reviews. Get some pre-loaded reviews that make it easier for anyone to input. Give options for the customer to put their story too. User experience counts and hence, you need to have a good third party software installed to monitor and capture these user reviews rightfully and displayed in the right manner.

Getting reviews is easier on a social media like Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare etc. Social media platforms pave a way to publish your product details along with the user reviews. Your customer will easily point out his reviews in social media platforms and there are good chances that you get no spam reviews as the user is on his public profile. Many new ventures like Grofers, Pepperfry, Flipkart etc. are following the path of Amazon who has many user reviews displayed onboard that attracts millions of customers to be a part of it genuinely. News about most of the new products is published on social media which actually brings in more potential buyers. With the hashtags used on Facebook, Instagram, and all many brands gets popularity.

The travel industry, grocery shopping sites, and many other online furniture store brands are easily coming up in the market because of the user reviews published on the sites using the third party platforms. Very few customers share the reviews out of real pleasure. The majority of the shares are due to a bad experience they had with the product. Negative reviews come uninvited to your websites. Always keep an eye open for criticism and take it as positive criticism to empower your growth. The majority of the users look for the bad reviews, but it doesn’t mean that they go without buying the product. If the negative reviews are well-attended by the company, they can serve as a booster to the positive reviews.

In a way, inspiring your user to provide you with a review have to be done in an artistic way to leverage the most out of these user generated contents to get a breakthrough for your business.