Saturday, 8 Feb 2025

IPhone 5 4G users to benefit from visual voicemail

The lucky owners of iPhone 5 4G handsets will soon be able to access visual voicemail, a service designed to make retrieving voicemail messages quicker, easier and more convenient.

The service is being offered by the EE network, which is the currently the only network in UK to be rolling out 4G. From now on, any customers opting to buy iPhone 5 handsets from EE will be able to add visual voicemail to their package.

For new customers, the visual voicemail service can be activated online or by visiting an EE store. The way to enable the service for existing customers, meanwhile, is to text ‘iPhone visual’ to the number 150 and wait up to 24 hours for it to kick in. It is understood that to be eligible for visual voicemail, you must have a 4G iPhone which runs iOS 6 or higher. You must also have the most recent EE carrier settings, which at the moment are 13.2.

For those who aren’t aware, visual voicemail allows the owners of iPhone handsets the opportunity to see voicemail message details directly on their screens, without having to ring a dedicated voicemail number. If you have this service, you will be able to see the names and numbers of the people who have left you messages.

Visual voicemail will hopefully put an end to the frustrating experience that is navigating your way through automated voicemail menus, keying in numbers when prompted. This is a system which takes a lot of time and often leads to messages being accidentally deleted.

In case you are on a limited 4G data plan, you’ll be happy to know that the data used by the visual voicemail service to download messages is free of charge. This means you can check your messages whenever you want – quickly and for free.